YSU Penguin Athletics > YSU Penguin Athletics

"Jambar" question: the tool, not the newspaper

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Thanks jimmie.  That has to be it.  If that thing was 5 or 6 feet tall, it would be perfect.


--- Quote from: Wick250 on September 05, 2019, 09:15:54 AM ---Thanks jimmie.  That has to be it.  If that thing was 5 or 6 feet tall, it would be perfect.

--- End quote ---

Someone needs to verify this with an old timer and bring this to the attention of the university athletic department.  This would be far more meaningful and also remind people and be free advertisement for the school paper.

looks like a tool attached to the Jambar sign, size may not be accurate, I am thinking the shape is.

I remember seeing one of those at my grandfather's house.


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