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Samford Game

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If you go to Samford's website it gives the game notes for both team. It has Mays as starter then Craycraft and Waid

I know some guys are banged up so we'll see come Saturday.


--- Quote from: Wick250 on August 19, 2019, 05:54:23 PM ---ET,

Pelini's first radio program is this evening.  We may or may not learn more today.

Most of you could not care less about this, but the NCAA is celebrating the 150th anniversity of absolutely nothing.  The notion that Rutgers and Princeton played the first "football" game in 1869 is as ridiculous as the myth that Abner Doubleday created baseball.  Yes, students from those schools met and played a game....it was like freakin' soccer.  You advanced the ball by KICKING it or batting it with your hand.  You COULD NOT RUN WITH THE BALL and you COULD NOT TACKLE ANYBODY. >:(

REAL FOOTBALL evolved from rugby which students from McGill University in Canada introduced to Harvard students in 1874.  The next year, Harvard and Yale played a rugby style game much more similar to real football than that soccer-like junk.  A young Yale student played in that game.... Walter Camp.  He would subsequently be the central force in forming football out of rugby over the next several decades as the Yale team captain and then long-time coach.

Sorry for this rant.

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Just kidding Wick, your rant is totally valid.  :afro:

If YSU is fortunate enough to WIN and be 1-0 it doesn't guarantee 4-0.  I would be concerned about Duquesne as they seem to improve every year and always seem to add FBS transfers that contribute.


--- Quote from: goodnews on August 20, 2019, 03:47:22 PM ---If YSU is fortunate enough to WIN and be 1-0 it doesn't guarantee 4-0.  I would be concerned about Duquesne as they seem to improve every year and always seem to add FBS transfers that contribute.

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Nope certainly doesn’t guarantee it, but it’s a very good possibility.


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