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Largest FCS stadiums-YSU makes the cut

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go guins:

--- Quote from: HappyPenguin on July 17, 2019, 08:15:51 PM ---
--- Quote from: go guins on July 17, 2019, 01:02:25 PM ---
--- Quote from: Wick250 on July 16, 2019, 08:31:06 PM ---Interesting.  And seven of those who finished ahead of us are historically black schools that undoubtedly played "home" games off campus in large cities with significant African-American populations.  Those games are important community events in the South that date back to the brutal days of complete racial segregation.  In "on-campus" only games, we probably are still in the top ten in attendance, which might well be a reflection of the state of FCS football across the nation.

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Boy 1AA, I knew you have pretty important persons on your blog, but this almost reads like POTUS Trump is a member!  Blacks in black towns don't count when you are figuring attendance for black schools?  Maybe we should count them as 3/5ths of a white person like the US Constitution did?

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Way to completely miss what he was saying there champ. Where did he remotely infer that black fans didn't or shouldn't count?

What he was actually saying was, a lot of the HBCU games are rivalry games that are held in bigger cities where they can draw upon a larger pool of fans. And he's right.

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This implication remains clear to me.  Black schools draw better in black communities, and by implication the additional fans are "obviously" black).  That is a racist comment.  It may be TRUE, but that doesn't make it not racist. 

Penguin Nick:
Normally when someone makes an idiotic statement I just read it and move on.  But go guins, your comment regarding what Wick said is totally out of line.  Wick made a very interesting analysis.  Everyone is a "racist" when someone's comment or belief doesn't align with our own beliefs.  I'm so sick and tired of everyone calling everyone else a "racist."  There is so much division in this country and now I can't even read this board without someone calling someone else a "racist."   

Ditto. I don’t think the intent of Wick was racial at all!  Didn’t Rodney King say “Can’t we all just get along.”.  Let’s get excited for the upcoming Football season!

I sensed zero racism. Move along now.


--- Quote from: Penguin Nick on July 18, 2019, 04:51:57 PM ---Normally when someone makes an idiotic statement I just read it and move on.  But go guins, your comment regarding what Wick said is totally out of line.  Wick made a very interesting analysis.  Everyone is a "racist" when someone's comment or belief doesn't align with our own beliefs.  I'm so sick and tired of everyone calling everyone else a "racist."  There is so much division in this country and now I can't even read this board without someone calling someone else a "racist."

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