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Vindicator folding and YSU effect ?

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cmj,let's make YSU great again.   I only read the sports section on line so not one to know about what their agenda was but when was the last time the Vindicator endorsed a non democrat for President ?

IAA Fan,

I urge you to ban ALL discussions about politics on your site.  Rational discourse about politics is impossible in the supercharged, hate-filled climate that now engulfs the country.  Sports is the one topic that could be immune from such polarization.  Please keep it that way.

go guins:

--- Quote from: Wick250 on July 02, 2019, 11:34:47 PM ---IAA Fan,

I urge you to ban ALL discussions about politics on your site.  Rational discourse about politics is impossible in the supercharged, hate-filled climate that now engulfs the country.  Sports is the one topic that could be immune from such polarization.  Please keep it that way.

--- End quote ---
Pretty sanctimonious purest for somebody who I haven't seen with a sports post in quite a while.  Not much going on, I don't see the damage being done, but whatever.  Post something sports related and I'll stick to the topic.

Please don't start politics on this... I for one only read the vindy online. Will miss the coverage.

IAA Fan:
I think if the politics starts to spread on the thread, I will just move it to the non-sports section as usual. For now, it is not too bad. I too, get the Vindy and the Dispatch on-line only. There is tremendous room for an on-line Ytown paper on line. Keep the news local, then add a Roku other streaming channel. It is not rocket science, you just need to think more progressively. The Vindy invested nothing in the digital world (as with most paper execs) for years; the Next thing you know, they are regressive. A thing of the past.


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