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Vindicator folding and YSU effect ?

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I live out of state and look to the vindy & Tribune for access for YSU stories.   Will something fill the vacuum now that the Vindicator is closing ?

Double ET:
I guess the Warren Tribune will have to do for now unless somebody else buys the Vindy with a new lower cost labor contract.
Tribune could also expand into covering the Mahoning county.

Joe Bernastat:
The Trib has done a much better job than the Vindicator covering YSU sports in recent years.  In the ‘70’s and ‘80’s, the Vindicator did a phenomenal job of covering all local sports, from sandlot to college,,,it’s a shame that this had to happen, but it was inevitable. Sadly, the local newspapers are a dying breed. 


--- Quote from: Joe Bernastat on June 29, 2019, 04:31:19 PM ---The Trib has done a much better job than the Vindicator covering YSU sports in recent years.  In the ‘70’s and ‘80’s, the Vindicator did a phenomenal job of covering all local sports, from sandlot to college,,,it’s a shame that this had to happen, but it was inevitable. Sadly, the local newspapers are a dying breed.

--- End quote ---


This is sad and I feel bad for the people that will lose their jobs.  It will also leave a gaping hole in local news coverage.  As others have noted, it will have a minimal impact on YSU since Vindicator coverage has been so embarrassingly poor.


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