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Men's basketball recruiting ?

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The Bobby K connection.  He is a little small but has good range on the 3 ball.

go guins:

--- Quote from: ucfpengbuck on July 02, 2019, 05:48:08 PM ---Luke Chicone 5-10 pt guard from Metor verbals for 2021.


Sophomore highlights.  Looks like he has off the bus range.

--- End quote ---
Kid has NBA range but middle school size.  They list him at 5-10, but in video he couldn't have been much over 5-6 5-7

maybe he will grow some more before he gets to YSU

Only going into his junior year. Coach loves this kid.

Kid still has 2 years.  A lot can happen till when and if he honors his commitment. But I think it’s a good get by our coach. 


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