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Men's basketball recruiting ?

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go guins:
The problem with D1 transfers is most of them thought they could play at the D1 lever and found out they can't.  I know I'm changing sports but you need to look only as far as Louis Irizarry and and recently Kierre Hawkins for guys who were hot shot TE recruits at no less than OSU and found out they couldn't play at that lever, dropped back to YSU, and found out they couldn't pay here either.  I'm not a big fan of transfers looking for an easier path.
We have out point guard in Quiz, so Qgoro becomes another shooting guard who is at best a marginal shooter.
Foster, the East Carolina transfer is listed as a "shooting guard" who hit .186% from 3 last year.  Quiz is a driver/ slasher, so is Foster and Ogoro.  Shooting and D killed us last year, frankly I don't seem much improvement,  Althought Foster and Ogoro have nice size for guards, which couldn't hurt.

Kierre tore his ACL last year so I wouldn't say that is relevant lol.

go guins:

--- Quote from: ytownchief22 on June 25, 2019, 09:57:41 AM ---Kierre tore his ACL last year so I wouldn't say that is relevant lol.

--- End quote ---
Yes he got hurt, but before he did he played 2 games and caught, what was the total...........oh year, 1 pass.  To paraphrase the great Harry Doyle, "one God-damn pass!"
Drop him off and add Trent Hosick or any of dozens of guys over the years.  There have been some good ones too, Avery Moss and Justus Reed among them, but you gotta see 'em play first!  My point is because somebody transfers "down" to YSU it doesn't mean they can play for us.   

Luke Chicone 5-10 pt guard from Metor verbals for 2021.


Sophomore highlights.  Looks like he has off the bus range.



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