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East Stands

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go guins:

--- Quote from: ytownchief22 on May 08, 2019, 11:22:22 PM ---2 pictures posted by YSU today.


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Thanks!  I didn't notice the 2 anti-social guys, they must have been and McD's for a senior coffee, but I'm sure they'll be back for gameday!  One of the twitter comments was something about being basically a press box.  I thought that was EXACTLY what it was going to be?  I know they will have some training/class facilities, but this was always about replacing the embarrassing TV press bos, wasn't it?

It's a press box with classrooms in the back. All home and away TV and Radio booths are going over there. Scoreboard operator, public address and instant replay as well. The booths where they used to be on the west side will be used to create 4 more loges.

go guins:

--- Quote from: ytownchief22 on May 09, 2019, 10:59:38 AM ---It's a press box with classrooms in the back. All home and away TV and Radio booths are going over there. Scoreboard operator, public address and instant replay as well. The booths where they used to be on the west side will be used to create 4 more loges.

--- End quote ---
yep, it was a good plan and long overdue from day one.  Glad to see it moving ahead. Now all we need is a TV deal! 

Multimedia Center is really taking shape if you get a chance to drive by.

Wasn’t the original plan to add loges to the other side.  From whet I gather they could raise enough money to that. It’s been a botched expansion from the outset. 


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