YSU Penguin Athletics > YSU Penguin Athletics

East Stands

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go guins:

--- Quote ---Hey my flip phone has a camera, even does color. My season tickets are offered on the east side again, wondering if we will be able to enter on the east side or have to walk around

--- End quote ---
I was watching the opening of an OLD James Bond move the other day and he had this state-of-the-art bag phone in his car.  We've come a long way baby!  A car without seat heaters, blind spot warning or navigation system?  Unthinkable!

Steel is up

the 2 anti-social guys are having a party.   :D

go guins:

--- Quote from: YSU1 on May 01, 2019, 03:11:20 PM ---the 2 anti-social guys are having a party.   :D

--- End quote ---
Great!  Just so long as YSU is taking care of every minority group, that's all that matters!  The "anti-socials" have been ignored far too long!

2 pictures posted by YSU today.



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