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East Stands

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--- Quote from: ytownchief22 on March 21, 2019, 11:51:30 AM ---Everything is on schedule and will be done by football season.

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Music to my ears, long time season ticket holder and have been on the East side since it opened. Obviously had to use the west side last year and my group can't wait to move back.

Oh boy mister negative is at it again.  Now he is in his glory using the deer, mosquito blind over and over.
My reliable source tells me that the University will be splitting the Communication Department away from the ?Arts Department soon and will have a school dedicated to television, radio, electronic broadcasting to call our own with majors and minors. The building on the East side is for YSU Education not necessarily to fill the stands. Or did mister negative forget that? Another slick move was to centralize the press into a new state of the art broadcast facility sorely needed to free up space for more loges. I understand there is quite of backup of request for loges. (We may have to build another level on top of the two levels especially with the renovations planned/coming to the loges in the future).

IAA Fan:

--- Quote from: ELPENGUIN on March 24, 2019, 11:55:57 AM ---Oh boy mister negative is at it again.  Now he is in his glory using the deer, mosquito blind over and over.
My reliable source tells me that the University will be splitting the Communication Department away from the ?Arts Department soon and will have a school dedicated to television, radio, electronic broadcasting to call our own with majors and minors. The building on the East side is for YSU Education not necessarily to fill the stands. Or did mister negative forget that? Another slick move was to centralize the press into a new state of the art broadcast facility sorely needed to free up space for more loges. I understand there is quite of backup of request for loges. (We may have to build another level on top of the two levels especially with the renovations planned/coming to the loges in the future).

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All of this will be great news. I started out in the broadcasting program at YSU. Back then, you were allowed to create your own major, as long as it met the standards of a given school. I guess I watched too much "WKRP in Cincinnati" as a kid, so I created a major in broadcast management; hoping to own a radio or TV station some day. So I had 2 majors Speech, Communications & Theatre ...along with my degree major in Business Management. The broadcasting was a welcomed break from some of the academic grind and challenging in it's own ways.

What ELPENGUIN said is all true.

Anyone out there that can post a photo of what the East side looks like now?


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