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YSU athletic budget revenue and expenses article Cleveland.com

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--- Quote from: Wick250 on March 13, 2019, 06:56:27 PM ---The typical college sports fan in Florida or Texas or California looks upon YSU and the MAC schools in exactly the same way; namely mid-major programs that can not compete with the big boys.  We accept that situation and have a reasonable athletic budget.  MAC schools squander multiple millions each year striving for national respect that they will never attain.  Our neighbors need to look up Einstein's quote about the definition of insanity. :o

--- End quote ---

That’s certainly the way power 5 schools view them. Last time we played Pitt Narduzzi called YSU “basically like playing a good MAC team” P5 coaches get it they FCS (true FCS not limited scholly) And G5 teams are equally irrelevant to the big picture of college football.


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