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YSU Athletics to Add Men's Swimming & Diving, Women's Lacrosse Teams

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go guins:

--- Quote from: ysuhoops24 on February 26, 2019, 09:23:52 AM ---
--- Quote from: go guins on February 26, 2019, 08:31:19 AM ---
--- Quote from: ytownchief22 on February 25, 2019, 09:47:08 PM ---Would rather have wrestling or mens soccer. Swimming is a loser.

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Wrestling is like ice hockey.  Those that are into it are REALLY into it, but to the rest of us -0-.  Other than football, basketball (2) nothing is going to be a home run, but soccer is the coming sport and we need to be in soccer going forward.

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Have you been to a high school wrestling match around here?  It outdraws basketball games at most schools and the talent locally is superior to that of swimming and soccer.  I'm sorry, but I don't think people are going to line up to spend money to go to a soccer game over a wrestling match.  Wrestling matches at Beeghly would do very well with paid attendance with the cult-like following that wrestling has around here.  You want to talk an up and coming sport around here its wrestling. 

I'd gladly pay 20 dollars to not have to sit through a soccer game/match.

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As I said, those into wrestling are REALLY into wrestling.  That makes a couple hundred fans, Great, will outdraw bowling and track.  Big deal. UP and coming sport?  You can't possible be serious?
You have athletics to promote the school and more kids MILLIONS more kids are playing soccer than wrestling.  I don't care about you (or me) I care about my grandkids and THEY are interested in soccer.   

IAA Fan:
I was watching Spectrum Sports and they had a Women's LaCrosse game between Ashland and NDC. The announcer mentioned that there will be 6 new DI (in Women's LaCrosse) Universities, in Ohio, by the end of spring 2020. Ashland will be DI in the sport. YSU is one of those and that would explain our move; an Ohio-based conference. I was thinking we would be adding the sport to meet the guidelines of another all-sports conference ...but it does not look that way.

I too watch OSN and Spectrum sports wrestling. It is nice to watch that instead of pro wrestling. However I was at OSU on multiple occasions for the men's conference finals. They had a great deal with a free ticket to the OSU hockey game on the same day. Both for $10. Yes, there was a solid crowd at the wresting meet (probably a couple of thousand, or more); but let's not lose track of the fact that just about every team in the Big-10 was represented here. I cannot say the crowds would be that large for a dual meet, so it probably would not justify the expense at YSU. LaCrosse is a huge sport in the US ...but you would have a valid point that probably not in NEO ...more attention in NE, West Coast and down South. Big in the Parochial universities as well. Exciting to watch and gets coverage on ESPN. Swimming will be like track (at best). If we happen to land a local stud diver that is.

I look at YSU as a local university that supports local programs - especially in the olympic and non revenue sports.  Please, someone tell me how many men's swimming and women's lacrosse teams there are in the Northeast Ohio area?  There are not enough student athletes in those sports to locally support those programs. Wrestling on the other hand is supported by numerous schools in the area with some of the best wrestling in Ohio - besides the Catholic Cleveland schools.  Who from this area is going to go support women's lacrosse?  Men's swimming?  Someone please send me a pic of the crowd at the first home women's lacrosse game and men's swimming meet.  If YSU had a wrestling program, I can guarantee it would be supported by local wrestling programs - from youth to high school.  Canfield, Austintown, Boardman, Girard, West Branch, Beaver Local, etc...all have top notch wrestling programs.  That does not include the rest of the EOWL (Eastern Ohio Wrestling League) that goes from Ashtabula to Lousiville to Wellsville.  Those schools alone could supply enough wrestlers to have a program.  Title IX has destroyed wrestling programs throughout the country.  It has increased women's programs, no doubt, but at the expense of wrestling.  Another big mistake by the YSU athletic department that is out of touch with the local area athletes. 


--- Quote from: ucfpengbuck on February 25, 2019, 08:43:47 PM ---
--- Quote from: ysuhoops24 on February 25, 2019, 02:31:49 PM ---No wrestling?  The state of Ohio has become one of the top states in the country for high school wrestling.  We are missing out on a sport that people would pay to go see.

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Bingo.  They used to have a wrestling program.  Not sure what year that ended ?

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It ended in 1984 - Tressel was AD and Title IX was the issue.  Plain and simple. 


A few questions for you.  Which universities in Ohio still have wrestling?  How about western Pennsylvania?  Are those wrestling programs in some kind of conference?

I agree that choosing to add swimming over wrestling is ridiculous.  Perhaps the only justification is that swimming would have a ready-made home in the Horizon League while travel costs for wrestling would be prohibitive. 


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