YSU Penguin Athletics > YSU Penguin Athletics

The Steel Tire

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The YO Show:
Announced 20 minutes ago on Twitter... Penguins play Akron for opener in 2020. The Steel tire is back baby!

IAA Fan:
If there is no return game... I have no interest and I doubt this will be a trophy game. Just means that we are having trouble scheduling a money game. We could very easily lose a game like this, which would be very bad for our post-season chances should we be borderline for a selection.

The YO Show:
IAA I know your feelings on the matter, but since I live and work in Akron now I'm excited. All my fellow ysu grads at work are going and all the Akron grads are gonna go. This is already spreading like wildfire at work. Gonna be for some serious bragging rights. I for one am excited and going to look at the bright side.

After all, can't be worried about losing this. The 2019 season has not even started let alone 2020

The YO Show:
Can confirm from the Akron announcement this is a one off money game. No home and home.

Bout time. Time to beat these chumps.


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