YSU Penguin Athletics > YSU Penguin Athletics

Spring Game

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go guins:

--- Quote from: dwj on March 04, 2019, 11:00:08 AM ---What a sad state for our football program, interest appears to be at a very low point.  Spring practice is going on with little coverage by the press or tv. On this site we are discussing swimming, wrestling, lacrosse & bowling.

--- End quote ---
Yeah man!  The women's bowling team cracked the TOP 25!!  Way to go ladies!

go guins:
We need to be realistic here.  Bo was 9-3 every year at Nebraska.  That should let you keep your job anywhere but AL and OSU.  They fired him knowing they owed him MILLIONS just to get rid of him.  They didn't do it because he couldn't coach, they did it because he was an ********.  Our hope should be 9-3 with an A-Hole coach.  4-7 with him is unacceptable.  For my money it's 9-3 or we start looking.  That puts a lot of pressure on Mark Waid and Justus Reed's Achilles’ tendon, but 9-3 or bust!


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