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Coaching Changes

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--- Quote from: ytownchief22 on February 19, 2019, 10:18:17 AM ---John Peterson will be the new O-Line coach. Was previously O-Line coach at Pitt.

Played at Ohio State with Bo and coached there for years under JT.

Also heard we may be losing another assistant so stay tuned....

--- End quote ---

Cool, that’s a decent get for us!

His son Cole is already an undergrad assistant here. Was here last year.

DJ Gomes is the new DB coach taking McNutt’s place. Played at Nebraska under Bo and Carl. Played in the NFL for a few years. Coached at BG last year.

go guins:
Looks like the "good ol' boy" network is functioning nicely.  Looks like good resumes for both the new guys coming in. 
I was hoping for, but still haven't seen any JUCO guys to help on the OL.  If we get ANY injuries up front and we are going to be in deep do-do.  No matter how good a coach Peterson is, if he has nobody to coach, he is going to fail. 

Evan Karchner has joined the staff as a defensive assistant. Coming over from Bowling Green.


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