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men's basketball Detroit

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Great win over a Detroit team that seemed to have our number over the years.  We have been close in many games this year and just needed an inside presence to get over the top.  John Sally has been the difference in my opinion.  Not so many easy inside baskets. In the Oakland game they had easy inside baskets until Sally got in.  With the easy inside shots gone, we had a chance.  I hope they stick with him and work him up to be a total player which would make us very difficult to beat in the league.

Double ET:
"The shoe throw was very bizarre.  Not sure if I've ever seen that."

Did you Rememder Bobby Knight threw the chair across the court when he was at IU?

Maybe after three decades of pain and frustration, that shoe toss will symbolize that the hoop gods are finally smiling upon us.  I almost, stress almost, feel sorry for that assistant Detroit coach.  His player lost the shoe right in front of their bench.  He grabbed it and wanted to toss it to his player, but instead launched it like a missile, right into the part of the court where the action was.  Officials had no choice.  I doubt that I have ever seen a crazier thing on a basketball court.

Double ET:
I stand corrected. I thought the shoe toss was intentional (as in Bobby Knight's). My apologies to the DM coach.


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