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fcs play-offs

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--- Quote from: YSUGO on December 15, 2018, 04:07:28 PM ---You guys are in the LaLa land of make believe that an FCS championship run is better than moving up.  Ask Boise St how it worked for them. Other than your teams fans nobody cares about FCS football. The Bison could pull it off like Boise did.  I don’t see many of the BCS teams wanting to drop down for a championship run!  It’s about exposure not minor football championships.  As for the costs of the football program I think the students are footing most of the bill to pay for football at YSU.   If that was taken away we would be another Butler.

--- End quote ---

NDSU would not be a “BCS” team they’d go to a group of 5 conference. Also Idaho dropped from FBS to FCS

I wonder if they built a bigger stadium, obviously a dome, would they have the fans to fill it.  If they moved up it would almost guarantee losses.  Probably something they don't want to do.  Keep the brand hot until it's not.

their enrollment is less than YSU so I doubt they can draw big numbers

Watched the last 2 NDSU games.  What impresses me most is that they really don't have supper athletes at most positions, but to they play so fundamentally sound!  Tackles in space by their db's is outstanding compared to our play.  It is like our team is not fundamentally sound in many areas including tackling. I don't know how may times our number 7 is in space and beaten on a tackle. Maybe NDSU players are better athletes, but to me they don't look it compared to our players.  If we did a standard speed agility test like the NFL Combine, I think many times our guys are better.  But not on the football field.  At least my opinion.  It is like our coaching does not do enough to get our players fundamentally sound in blocking and tackling.

They also have a pretty good quarterback and the guy before him was pretty good.


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