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What is up? Why no announcement on keeping Pelini?

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  It s a lock that Pelini is staying.   He is old news, I know some of you don't see this.   Other than one year out of four, he has been a disappointment at YSU.  Also, he is miserable and a pain to deal with.  I will also say there will be little if no change on his staff, his arrogance is that he knows more than anyone else, and doesn't see his staff is in over their head.

 He might be able to land a big time D coordinator job, but he can't get a head coaching job, period at the FBS level.

I subscribe to the Athletic. They do a profile of all FBS coaching vacancies along with potential candidates. So far the actual hires have come from their list of candidates. The writer seems very well connected. Pelini has not been mentioned in terms of any vacancy despite general ten or so candidates. The openings are filled with young up and comers or coaches with obvious direct connections to the places in question.  The parade may have passed him by plus he has alot of baggage. Universities dont want off the field trouble.

Nebraska would take him back in a heart beat.  They have sucked since he left.


--- Quote from: ytowngirl on December 08, 2018, 08:31:43 PM ---Nebraska would take him back in a heart beat.  They have sucked since he left.

--- End quote ---

That's not true at all lol. They hate Pelini and they have Frost now who will have that program turned around in 2 years.

  Nebraska would have nothing to do with Pelini.  He will sign a 3-year contract with YSU, and look for brother Carl to return.  Yes, Bowling Green kept him as D coordinator, but with a pay cut, and Carl thought he should have been named their head coach.   

Pelini's days as a big time head coach are over.  Three of his four years at YSU:  5-6, 6-5, 4-7, and the worst loss in school history to Butler.  Because of the old boy network he could land a big time d coordinator position.


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