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Men's basketball

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it appears that the interest in men's basketball is as much as the interest in football.  Basically none.

How many new threads do we need.. The team is young and is building something but it ain't happening this year.

That is what we said last year. Looks like another year misery. I like this coach I believe he is a good hire but right now he's got to get this fixed this year. Young or not we look terrible. We can our shoot, too many turnovers, missed free throws we look very very bad.

The roster is completely from last year so it's not the same. Calhoun has his guys now and it's gonna take time to build. Year 3 is always the big year for a new coach. Next year folks.

Needed to compete against RMU. These are the type of games that YSU must win and even their announcer said  YSU would be in the top tier in their conference.   Didn't look like it last night. Tired of the young team excuse even though it's true,still need to come out with intensity. Can't just jack up 3s and hope to win.  No inside scoring last night.   Bring on the Mountainqueers.


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