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The Football program is broke and time to overhaul the Athletic Department!

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They don't care about the average fan. Building more suites to cater to the big donors and get that money.

They couldn't even get the scoreboard working at Beeghly the other night during the women's game. Had to play with a small digital clock and shot clock sitting on the scorers table. And this is supposed to be a D1 university ? Cmon.

Bottom line is the program has regressed the last two seasons under the direction of Bo Pelini. The lack of discipline and decline in culture is evident. There is know consistency with what the players and coaches do on a weekly basis. We have a nice win against a playoff team in U.N.I..play pretty much even with the top two teams in our conference only to finish 4-7..Just blows my mind. Hell the WKBN announcers have a better idea what's going on then the coaches do half the time, yet some people think Bo is the one and only option for YSU . Only game I went to this year was Butler and haven't been back since and don't plan on going again unless significant changes are made

  All good points.  Sadly, I agree, nothing will be done.  As great as President Tressel is, he is loyal to a fault.  Ron Strollo played for him, and was hand picked to be AD by Tressel.  Strollo is safe as long as Tressel is here.

 Pelini will be back by default.  Not only does Strollo not have it in his DNA to potentially fire him, he won't even insist that Pelini make changes 

 It is pathetic.  But I don't see much change.

IAA Fan:
I don't know. I see lots of changes, just none that seem to be working.


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