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ILS In-Game thread

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When’s the last time we had a losing season? This has to be the worst season in at least a decade probabaly a lot more. Is this or worst season since the 90s run?


--- Quote from: Kandrase on November 18, 2018, 12:04:56 AM ---When’s the last time we had a losing season? This has to be the worst season in at least a decade probabaly a lot more. Is this or worst season since the 90s run?

--- End quote ---

Never mind, I’m dumb. Forgot 2015 was 5-6. Also 2010 was 3-8... yikes, must have blocked it out of my memory.

IAA Fan:
No you make a great point Kandrase, we should expect bad seasons. However, this one is so disappointing because we have no single thing to point to that needs corrected. On offense we started out as a big-12 team this season and were eaten up in conference. I do not know what our defense is, I guess it is a hybrid Big-12. However, we saw all season how we lacked line depth and strength and yesterday confirmed we have no speed either.


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