YSU Penguin Athletics > YSU Penguin Athletics

Indiana State

<< < (10/13) > >>

If you do not win and get the support of boosters, alumni and the general public revenue will be down.  This is not good for the athletic budget.  When you let men's basketball and football become below average you are going to have money issues.  Good results in basketball and football is also good PR for the university.   


--- Quote from: YSU1 on October 28, 2018, 08:13:02 PM ---If you do not win and get the support of boosters, alumni and the general public revenue will be down.  This is not good for the athletic budget.  When you let men's basketball and football become below average you are going to have money issues.  Good results in basketball and football is also good PR for the university.   

--- End quote ---

we should have .over up  into the AAC if the MAC didnt want  yo. 

If only there was a simple answer, obviously there are issues somewhere, talent, coaching, administration, I do not know.

Ironically withholding support whether it be money or presence at events only makes the whole situation worse and harder to recover from.  Harder to impress recruits, less money for better coaches, pretty simple stuff.

Has to be a better more effective way to channel concerns and frustrations. Not even sure where to direct these efforts, athletic department, school administration, trustees or elsewhere?

Anyone know of a process?

Is JT watching???????

Does he or Strollo have the balls to tell Bo to kick rocks and say see ya ?


--- Quote from: ytownchief22 on October 28, 2018, 09:44:51 PM ---Is JT watching???????

Does he or Strollo have the balls to tell Bo to kick rocks and say see ya ?

--- End quote ---

Does he have the cajones to tell Strollo to kick rocks? He should have been gone years ago


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