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Indiana State

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Double ET that's a valid point!! Is it just me or can anyone else not see the proper adjustments being made in game and at halftime with this coaching staff? Boyle coming into this game was a very capable Qb throwing the ball..Did we just assume the sycamores would run all day? Bo should have put in Mays to start the second half..Not sure why O.C. let MVG sling the ball all over the place in the 3rd.. the running game was effective with Tevon and the sycamores could not stop it..seems like we get away with what works best on offense at times

I tailgated 26 straight years. Gave more than my share of money.  Built my fall around Penguins football.  I moved last year and realized there is other things I could have done.  We as supporters should have asked for accountability especially after the 90’s run.  We didn’t capitalize on it and Penguin football has gone back to their traditional mediocrity. Sadly they have lost most of the fan base and I feel that the powers to be don’t care and don’t know what they are doing.

I bet those verbal commits for next year are really excited to join such a vibrant program.  Hahaha!  Bo and the staff lost me last year.  I haven't been to a game in two years and have ZERO plans to come back anytime soon.  I will however attend some basketball games this year:) Winning and exciting play brings fans.  Why would anybody want to sit in the cold and watch such an awful team?

Haven't been to a game all year. Don't plan on it either as long as Bo and current staff are coaching. Why waste your money ?

Bo has good relationships with his players.  Not so much with administrators. 

His problem is that he hired rookie coaches because we don't pay "Jack Squat" to the staff.  You get what you pay for.  We are  getting what we deserve when it comes to coaching salaries
 Sorry, but had to say it.


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