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Indiana State

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There are several players on this roster who are wasting a scholarship to put it plain and simple. That's what Bo has created. He made this mess and now he can't get out of it and is only blaming the players. Arrogant azz hole. Needs a nice long look in the mirror.

I am not sure but I think that it would be hard to play for Bo Pelini even if things were going well.


--- Quote from: YSU1 on October 27, 2018, 08:36:28 PM ---I am not sure but I think that it would be hard to play for Bo Pelini even if things were going well.

--- End quote ---

Why do you think Nebraska wanted him gone even while he was winning 9-10 games a year?  Strollo should have been gone years ago, but now he has godfather sweatervest there to protect him now

“I’ve never been so disgusted in my whole life” - after Bo said that after Illinois state last year thought he’d turn the program around, but almost exactly 1 year to the date his team gave another disgusting performance and he said almost exactly the same thing... sigh.


--- Quote from: YSU1 on October 27, 2018, 08:36:28 PM ---I am not sure but I think that it would be hard to play for Bo Pelini even if things were going well.

--- End quote ---

I heard from someone that a current player said Bo took the fun out of football at YSU


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