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--- Quote from: penguinpower on October 11, 2018, 01:50:40 PM ---We are going to get our asses kicked

--- End quote ---

Probably, but again I think there’s hope. If ISUb took them to overtime anything is possible

Maybe their QB will turn it over 9 times like he did against JMU in the playoffs last year.


Hero sports give us a 35% chance of making the playoffs. I’ll take it lol

We have ZERO chance of making the playoffs. We suck on special teams and are giving up
28 points a game. We have s QB that’s only completing less than 55% if his passes. We are an offensive Mess and teams have scored on us 14 out of 15 times in the Red zone.  We are averaging  71 yds a game in penalties.  Give me a break!  And 2 of the games were against bs teams.  I am still saying 4 wins. 

SDSU puts at least 40 up on us today.


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