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Vindy article about 1993 championship season

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Just got my internet back. We're having quite a hurricane in North Carolina.

I remember that game well. It was wonderful! But very edgy during the last 4-5 minutes. I agree with Drew Gerber's comments; where we took the knee 3 times, but Tressel wanted to make sure there were no turnovers.
Yes, I was one of those berserk fans! Tressel did a wonderful job coaching his teams. He is one special gentleman.


--- Quote from: YSUGO on September 14, 2018, 11:22:24 AM ---Good coaching hasn’t changed.  Being physical hasn’t changed.  Recruiting hasnt changed.  Motivating people hasn’t changed.  Totally disagree.  Penguinpower is correct.

--- End quote ---

That's great but football has changed. Nobody lines up in the I or wing T and wins anymore. NDSU does it because they sprinkle athletes in with the toughness. Also having the #2 pick in the NFL draft helps.

Bison had done for the past 15 years.  So can we.  Run a pro offense with running game and play action as your base packages.  Recruit accordingly.

IAA Fan:
Could not agree more. NDSU has run a clone of the Tressel/Heacock offense for years, with much success. In today's landscape it is so unique, nobody can prep for it.


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