YSU Penguin Athletics > YSU Penguin Athletics

First Home game against Butler High school and nobody cares!

<< < (10/13) > >>


The YO Show:
Well this will be a long year.

This one is on the coaches the team and the fans. First game and nobody cares? Apparently the author of this question didn't ask Butler. Butler played a great game and deserved the win..congratulations Bulldogs. We on the other hand have some work to do and that includes the fan base.


--- Quote from: pen4life on September 01, 2018, 05:48:52 PM ---This one is on the coaches the team and the fans. First game and nobody cares? Apparently the author of this question didn't ask Butler. Butler played a great game and deserved the win..congratulations Bulldogs. We on the other hand have some work to do and that includes the fan base.

--- End quote ---

O yardage penalties and 0 turnovers. 

A very well disciplined team that took the game seriously and really wanted the win.


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