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First Home game against Butler High school and nobody cares!

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There is no need to schedule 2 non scholarship or low level scholarship teams.  It helps nobody.  We have done little to figure out how to win in a conference we should not be in.  What is it 3 playoff appearances in 28 years. Anyways if we can’t keep the QB upright and healthy it will be another wasted year.  I hope it isn’t.   


--- Quote from: YSUGO on August 29, 2018, 12:03:53 PM ---There is no need to schedule 2 non scholarship or low level scholarship teams.  It helps nobody.  We have done little to figure out how to win in a conference we should not be in.  What is it 3 playoff appearances in 28 years. Anyways if we can’t keep the QB upright and healthy it will be another wasted year.  I hope it isn’t.

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I agree. We don't seem to benefit from the 2 weenie bowls when it comes to conference play. The only positive to me is they count as a D1 win. These are very positive for Strollo. He sells loge tickets for those, same as if we played anyone else, so why not go cheap and easy with a team that won't require a home and home? This is what's best for business.

Fan interest simply doesn't enter into the equation.


--- Quote from: IAA Fan on August 29, 2018, 08:55:50 AM ---
--- Quote from: Kandrase on August 28, 2018, 10:37:38 PM ---
--- Quote from: ytownchief22 on August 28, 2018, 04:27:40 PM ---Have the AD get a better game.... Snooze fest.

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They should schedule Mount Union instead of these non scholarship d1s like butler. Similar... likely better level of competition and they are just down the road so more of a local game.

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Oh come on. Butler would smack Mount Union around. Same crap every year. Our schedules have been excellent for years now. This year we have the second-best (preseason) team in the Big-12, and 6 top-25 teams from our own level. What more do you want and still make the post-season?

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Dead wrong. Why can't we schedule another top FCS program ? Home and home ? Instead we schedule 2 weenie games to fill the loges and get the money. They don't care about butts in the seat.

The YO Show:
While everyone is talking about loges, did anyone else pick up on what pelini said about the loges? Listen to right at 12:25 in. He talks about how "It is going to be hard to get the program to where we want it to be without getting consistent support from the community and start getting the stands filled up. Its harder to recruit." and then... "We have had good support. We get great support from a solid base."

"Another thing that I have talked about, is we have those great loges up there, and I know people enjoy their loges and they pay money to be in those loges, but I would love to have those people come out of their loges where we feel their presence. Come out of those loges so we can hear them and they are out in the stands. And you can go back and forth. You know our players bust their butts year round. Its not about me or the coaches, its never been its about the kids. Year round when you put the effort that they do for the university and the community they deserve the support."

Starts talking about how he would line our team out against any D1 school in the country. Anybody. People talk about BCS but we play a high level of football. I don't care who they are, I will line us up and we will play.

All that ends around 15:15. So its like 3 minutes but very interesting to hear his response.


--- Quote from: The YO Show on August 29, 2018, 04:13:57 PM ---While everyone is talking about loges, did anyone else pick up on what pelini said about the loges? Listen to right at 12:25 in. He talks about how "It is going to be hard to get the program to where we want it to be without getting consistent support from the community and start getting the stands filled up. Its harder to recruit." and then... "We have had good support. We get great support from a solid base."

"Another thing that I have talked about, is we have those great loges up there, and I know people enjoy their loges and they pay money to be in those loges, but I would love to have those people come out of their loges where we feel their presence. Come out of those loges so we can hear them and they are out in the stands. And you can go back and forth. You know our players bust their butts year round. Its not about me or the coaches, its never been its about the kids. Year round when you put the effort that they do for the university and the community they deserve the support."

Starts talking about how he would line our team out against any D1 school in the country. Anybody. People talk about BCS but we play a high level of football. I don't care who they are, I will line us up and we will play.

All that ends around 15:15. So its like 3 minutes but very interesting to hear his response.

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Yeah I liked his response about lining up against anyone in the country. I wish he would have cited taking Pitt to overtime last year and being tied with WVU at halftime two years ago, clearly we can compete with fbs teams.


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