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go guins:
Funny, but you read this tread and you'd swear we would be better off with Wolford back!  While I do think we had better OLs with Wolford, does anybody remember his D?  It was AWFUL, and it has been MUCH better with Bo. Everybody has strengths and weaknesses, and I'd love to see both O and D reach greatness, but that just isn't realistic.
The comment about loosing size and length under Bo would be pretty hard to support:
Henry Yoboue     OT   So.   6' 8"   325
Gavin Wiggins   OG   Sr.   6' 4"   310
Aaron Ervin   OT   Fr.   6' 5"   280
Norman Fox   OG   So.   6' 2"   300
Logan Creek   OG   Jr.   6' 4"   305
Brandon Finamore   OL   Jr.   6' 6"   290
Zachary Hauschild   OT   RFr.   6' 6"   300
Connor Sharp   OG   Sr.   6' 4"   305
Vitas Hrynkiewicz   C   Sr.   6' 4"   300
Devon Robinson   OG   Jr.   6' 6"   300
Charles Baldwin   OT   Sr.   6' 5"   305
Todd Brothers   C   So.   6' 1"   305
Jacob Zinni   OG   Jr.   6' 4"   305
Mike McAllister   OG   RFr.   6' 3"   285
Dan Becker   OG   RFr.   6' 5"   285
James Wilson   OT   Jr.   6' 5"   300
Average 6-4/1/2 300 lbs average class 1/2 way between sophomore and junior.  I do think we need to remember we are talking about college ball and by rule we lose players all the time to eligibility "issues".  Not sure we should throw in the towel and fire the coach because some are disappointed in ow the OL looks in training camp.
Tell you how important training camp results are:  The browns are 1-31 the last two seasons and on a 5 game winning streak in preseason.   Maybe we could give Bo until WVU before we fire his sorry ass?

They can be as big as hell... Doesn't matter if they're soft when the pads come on.

Hi Power.  I have not posted in nearly a year, but since you have returned, I might drop by occasionally, at least until the haters crawl out of their holes.

I was also surprised that Bricillo stayed after Montgomery left.  Bo must not blame him for the disastrous OL performance last season.  Yet veterans remember how the OL was the bedrock of our championship teams.  All those sacks last year were disgraceful. 

On the other hand, it is a new season, and, as go guins just suggested, it is not wise to pass definitive judgments based on camp.  We do have 2 out of the 5 first team, pre-season MVFC linemen.  And Pelini acquired, even if an act of desperation, two transfers for tackles that had Rivals 5 star and 3 star ratings. Hard to believe that they are stiffs.  Let's give them some time.

Speaking of ratings coming out of high school, how many FCS programs can acquire large numbers of players that were awarded multi-stars (two or more) from a recruiting service?  I suspect only the elite can do this.  Just looking up the high school ratings of some of our players, here is what I uncovered.  This list is certainly not comprehensive.  There might be more.

From the Rivals service:

5 stars   Baldwin
4 stars   Hawkins and Reeves
3 stars  Farrar, Durkin, Yoboue, Cook, and Reed (darn shame about him)
2 stars  Hrynkiewicz, Dellovade, Anderson and VanGorder

Ironically, we have three players who earned MVFC awards that were not rated or awarded no stars by Rivals (Wiggins, McCaster, Gibson.)  Braxton Chapman who has impressed at rb also failed to gain a star from Rivals.

Bottom Line: there is talent on this team.  But please, no more injuries!

go guins:
Wick "Bottom Line: there is talent on this team.  But please, no more injuries!"

From your mouth to God's ear! 


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