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Nice article about Damoun Patterson

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go guins:
Very nice indeed.  I wish him all the best. (Last year's 32 catches   555 yds 4 TD's says something about the YSU passing attach doesn't it?
Although the sentence "because of injuries to Antonio Brown, JuJu Smith-Schuster, Darrius Heyward-Bey and Marcus Tucker" is pretty telling, I'm sure we all wish him the best.  Bet if the Steelers cut him, the Browns will sign him within the hour!

Kid lit it up tonight in the pre season game.

Double ET:
I don't know if anyone else watched the Steeler's game tonight. Patterson was impressive. He made some sensational catches including a diving TD in the end zone. He played almost 3 quarters. At the end of the game, the broadcasting team named him the winner of the Steeler's rookie report award. He also played on the special team.
He was on the receiving end of a helmet to helmet hit. Later in the game, he also was leveled while making a catch across the middle (he held on the ball). He spent a few minutes on the ground before leaving the field. He returned to action later.

The Pittsburgh Tribune Review writer Kevin Gorman wrote 5 keys from the first Steelers preseason game.  One of his 5 key takeaways from the game was how great Damoun played.  There is a major logjam at receiver for the Steelers but, Damoun has separated himself from the other longshots so far:) Antonio Brown, JuJu Smith Schuster, James Washington, and Justin Hunter are locks to make the team.  Darius Heyward Bay and Eli Rogers (PUP list) are probably locks as well.  If Damoun keeps doing well, I suspect that he will be a final day cut and then either get picked up by another team or end up on the Steelers pratice squad.  Of course, you never know what could happen with injuries (Antonio Brown has not yet practiced and Eli Rogers will not be ready until mid season).  Anyway you slice it, he's doing great and giving himself a legitimate chance:)


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