YSU Penguin Athletics > YSU Penguin Athletics

Fall Camp Has Started

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IAA Fan:
I should be there tomorrow and Saturday Chief.  I was there twice last week as well, so we can see if anything has changed. If anyone is going, Saturdy's practice will be at Falcon Stadium in Austintown.


--- Quote from: The YO Show on August 09, 2018, 03:03:37 PM ---What aspect specifically chief? Oline? Oline on the outside? Wide receivers? QB? Just wondering from what you're seeing

--- End quote ---

Just all of it in general. Doesn't look crisp. WR's need work. OL is getting beat early and often, getting pushed back a lot.

Also, lots of guys banged up so they are having starters out so some guys playing out of position. Not ideal for the start of camp.

The YO Show:
Banged up already? Camp just started. We are what 5 days into camp? That's very concerning

Farrar, Hawkins, Durkin on the offensive side. Taylor who’s going to be the starting safety is also banged up.


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