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Fall Camp Has Started

<< < (4/14) > >>

go guins:
The problem is we have all new tackles and mostly new DE's, so if you lack pass rush in practice, is it the new tackles doing good, or the new D ends doing poorly?  Ditto if the pass rush is great: good DE's or bad OT's?
We won't have a good idea until the second week on the season! 

go guins:
While we are on the subject of new names on the roster, how could I possible have missed Charles Reeves from Steubenville?  He was signed by Pitt out of HS and redshirted last year, but this guy was a BEAST for the Big Red!

O-Line combos so far:

Becker/Yoboue, Wiggins, Vitas, Sharp, Robinson/Baldwin
Hauschild          Zinni               Creek  Wilson

Offense a work in progress....

The YO Show:
What aspect specifically chief? Oline? Oline on the outside? Wide receivers? QB? Just wondering from what you're seeing


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