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Basketball schedule next year

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I-AA Fan still lives in the 90's in the good old boy days. Those days are over.

IAA Fan:
The good ole boys are still here and stronger than ever. Don't kid yourself. Tressel and Strollo are your proof.

You say that we need to build the facilities and get a competitive products as if we can do that without $$$. yet you all believe that we do have limited funds. Am I missing something here?

BTW both Beeghly and Stambaugh are still nice facilities and neither one presently provides a product would justify a "significant upgrade". Stop arguing about the program's home and enjoy it. It is not "we are not the worst" ...especially in the case of Stambaugh ...we are FAR from the worst ...one of the best.

You guys are the ones living in the past, back when we had arguably the top football facility in the nation at our level. Well you are still in the top-25, probably in the top 20, yet you still complain. You do realize that there are over 100 DI colleges in FCS alone, with more at the FBS-level, that wish they had anything close to our stadium? If we would have enhanced Stambaugh at the expense of building WATTS would you be happier? Perhaps your AD knows what is best for the university.

I find it hard to believe that you are fans of a football team that was in the national championship just 2-years ago. For God's sake, just expect more from your coaches and players for now and be happy. Get out there and support your Guins!

go guins:

--- Quote from: IAA Fan on March 07, 2018, 12:43:37 PM ---The good ole boys are still here and stronger than ever. Don't kid yourself. Tressel and Strollo are your proof.

You say that we need to build the facilities and get a competitive products as if we can do that without $$$. yet you all believe that we do have limited funds. Am I missing something here?

BTW both Beeghly and Stambaugh are still nice facilities and neither one presently provides a product would justify a "significant upgrade". Stop arguing about the program's home and enjoy it. It is not "we are not the worst" ...especially in the case of Stambaugh ...we are FAR from the worst ...one of the best.

You guys are the ones living in the past, back when we had arguably the top football facility in the nation at our level. Well you are still in the top-25, probably in the top 20, yet you still complain. You do realize that there are over 100 DI colleges in FCS alone, with more at the FBS-level, that wish they had anything close to our stadium? If we would have enhanced Stambaugh at the expense of building WATTS would you be happier? Perhaps your AD knows what is best for the university.

I find it hard to believe that you are fans of a football team that was in the national championship just 2-years ago. For God's sake, just expect more from your coaches and players for now and be happy. Get out there and support your Guins!

--- End quote ---
You always talk about the "good old boy network" like it is negative.  It can be, but more often than not is is a positive.  We got Bo to turn around a decade of losing football through the GOB network! 
Everybody has "limited funds" but congress.  But we have untapped resources that could go to sports facilities if the "powers that be" say fit.  You seem satisfied with dropping from #1 to #25 in football facilities and the corresponding century long losing record, and I am not.  I know we can do better!  Expect much, get much, expect little, get little.  You are the little guy here. IMO, you need to expect more, not make excuses for less.
I support the 'guins.  In fact my concern is over an administration that IMO is failing to support the 'guins!  Our kids work their butts off and our athletic administration makes excuses for deteriorating facilities.  That is my concern.  You're OK with their inactivity, I am not.  We're done here.  Have a great day.


--- Quote from: IAA Fan on March 07, 2018, 10:35:57 AM --- Again with the Tressel brought us Pelini crap. Do you think Bo gave a crap who the president was when he called looking for work? Do you think he would have not called if it was someone else in the president's office (except maybe Shawn Eichorst  :)  )?
--- End quote ---

Fan, next time you're at a Penguin Club function reach out to a few of Bo's longtime friends, and ask them if Bo would have taken this job if JT wasn't the Prez.  Their answer would be "no".

Beeghly is a dump. Hence why Calhoun is trying so hard to bring money into the program to update it.


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