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Basketball schedule next year

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go guins:
Here are some numbers that shed some light on college athletics and money:

Here are some other findings from the NCAA report:

Median revenues generated by athletic departments increased by 3.2 percent from 2012 to 2013, while expenses went up 10.6 percent;
Of the 20 schools that made money, the median profit  was $8.4 million;
Of the 103 schools that lost money, the median deficit was $14.9 million;
The highest total revenues generated by an athletic department was $169.7 million;
The highest total expenses by an athletic department was $146.8 million.
According to the report, all athletic departments outside of the FBS operate in the red. In other words, only 20 of the 1,083 college sports programs in the nation are profitable.

IAA Fan:

--- Quote from: go guins on March 07, 2018, 11:21:00 AM ---Here are some numbers that shed some light on college athletics and money:

Here are some other findings from the NCAA report:

Median revenues generated by athletic departments increased by 3.2 percent from 2012 to 2013, while expenses went up 10.6 percent;
Of the 20 schools that made money, the median profit  was $8.4 million;
Of the 103 schools that lost money, the median deficit was $14.9 million;
The highest total revenues generated by an athletic department was $169.7 million;
The highest total expenses by an athletic department was $146.8 million.
According to the report, all athletic departments outside of the FBS operate in the red. In other words, only 20 of the 1,083 college sports programs in the nation are profitable.

--- End quote ---

Although the exact numbers are interesting, the results are obvious and only support my opinion. The majority of FBS schools are the same. Okay so what are you saying about funds for MBB again? LOL. We do not have any $500k money games in MBB do we? There is no line waiting to purchase sponsorship signs in Beeghly and they are not getting $50k each. There are no companies renting loges at $50k per season in basketball. There is absolutely no justification to say that we can be anything other than a winning program (that is above .500) in a lower-level conference. I do believe that we can increase our money games and come closer to paying for ourselves in MBB, but we will never be anything close to what we are in football ...in terms of success unless we drop football and outside revenue (i.e. Penguin Club) can be applied to men's basketball. We will never support our facilities. FYI our football program more than pays for the upkeep and some enhancements of Stambaugh, along with some of our Olympic sports. That cannot be said about basketball outside of  a couple of years that we were part of a 2-deep conference in the men's tourney. Of course some of you would think it is okay to just go in debt to make it happen. Do you forget that a successful men's BB program would require a facility over twice the size of Beeghly? So why were you not out there complaining when they built the Chevy Center with no matching funds and it was too small? Heck if it was the planned 12-15k and YSu did become something in basketball, we could pay rent as we do in baseball.

they have to first win and draw more than 250  fans before they do anything to beeghly

go guins:

--- Quote from: IAA Fan on March 07, 2018, 11:52:59 AM ---
--- Quote from: go guins on March 07, 2018, 11:21:00 AM ---Here are some numbers that shed some light on college athletics and money:

Here are some other findings from the NCAA report:

Median revenues generated by athletic departments increased by 3.2 percent from 2012 to 2013, while expenses went up 10.6 percent;
Of the 20 schools that made money, the median profit  was $8.4 million;
Of the 103 schools that lost money, the median deficit was $14.9 million;
The highest total revenues generated by an athletic department was $169.7 million;
The highest total expenses by an athletic department was $146.8 million.
According to the report, all athletic departments outside of the FBS operate in the red. In other words, only 20 of the 1,083 college sports programs in the nation are profitable.

--- End quote ---

Although the exact number are interesting, the results are obvious and only support my opinion. The majority of FBS schools are the same. Okay so what are you saying about funds for MBB again? LOL. We do not have any $500k money games in MBB do we? There is absolutely no justification to say that we can be anything other than a winning program (that is above .500) in a lower-level conference. I do believe that we can increase our money games and come closer to paying for ourselves in MBB, but we will never be anything close to what we are in football ...in terms of success unless we drop football and outside revenue (i.e. Penguin Club) can be applied to men's basketball. We will never support our facilities. FYI our football program more than pays for the upkeep and some enhancements of Stambaugh, That cannot be said about basketball outside of  a couple of years that we were part of a 2-deep conference in the men's tourney. Of course some of you would think it is okay to just go in debt to make it happen. Do you forget that a successful men's BB program would require a facility over twice the size of Beeghly? So why were you not out there complaining when they built the Chevy Center with no matching funds and it was too small?

--- End quote ---
WHAT?  "FB pays for the upkeep and some enhancements at Stambaugh"?  Seriously?  The salary amount for football is something like 3 times the ticket revenue and we only pay our HC a down-payment on his salary!  FB  LOSES OVER 3 MILLION a season.  It doesn't pay for sh**!  I swear, you must live in the 50's or something? 
"MBB, but we will never be anything close to what we are in football"  AGAIN you live in the 20th century.  What we "WERE" in football.  In this century we are a losing program with only 2 playoff appearance.  What is that to talk about?  How many conference titles this century?  Let me count . . . .  -0- ?  It was the 90's and JT when we had 7 playoff appearances and 4 championships, not this century!

go guins:

--- Quote from: YSU1 on March 07, 2018, 12:13:32 PM ---they have to first win and draw more than 250  fans before they do anything to beeghly

--- End quote ---
That's exactly my point....NOT!  IF YOU BUILD IT THEY WILL COME, isn't completely right, but you need to build it AND provide a competitive product for them to come.  This isn't an after the fact thing! You didn't get Tressel and you didn't win with Tressel without Stambaugh first, and at that time Stambaugh was about as good as it got in 1AA football.  My point has been through this whole thread.  Stambaugh is tired and Beeghly is tired and they both need significant upgrades to help provide for competitive programs.


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