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Monty is gone.

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IAA Fan:
and we still need an offense that can ram the ball when needed; otherwise we are going to back to same terrible defenses that we had under Wolf.


--- Quote from: IAA Fan on December 24, 2017, 02:57:32 PM ---and we still need an offense that can ram the ball when needed; otherwise we are going to back to same terrible defenses that we had under Wolf.

--- End quote ---

Are you inferring that the defense was bad because the offense didn't run the ball?  Those two things are mutually exclusive.  The defense was bad because we didn't have a coach that had a clue on how to run a defense


--- Quote from: IAA Fan on December 24, 2017, 02:57:32 PM ---and we still need an offense that can ram the ball when needed; otherwise we are going to back to same terrible defenses that we had under Wolf.

--- End quote ---

This comment makes no sense. The defense is the only reason this team has any chance to win games the last 2 years. Wolford has nothing to do with this ? It was long overdue for Monty to leave.

IAA Fan:
No what I said makes perfect sense Chief. As to Monty needing to leave I think you are full of it; but that has nothing to with this comment. Just you wanting to top a post & you simply to not like the guy.

If we do not run a balanced offense the defense will not be prepared come September. It really makes all the sense in the world.

Power I agree with you completely on those two bad DC's under Wolf & that is what I was referring to in part. However, an offense running the ball well is not mutually exclusive from a good defense; in fact it is fundamental. I have said this before...Your offense and defense practice against each other for 6-months out of the year & against outside opposition for only 14-20 hours a year. It is up to our offense to be balanced enough to show the defense as many looks as possible. Conversely, it is up to your defense to give the offense enough looks to also be well prepared. Just think how badly Wofford would have beaten us last season if they had a pass game?

I have been trying to understand and make sense of this thread the entire week. Know where on social media can I find that he is know longer the offensive coordinator or has stepped down. Love him or hate him Bo has spoke very highly of shane over the years and said he was a major asset to the program. He has retained his position year in and year out when many thought Bo would part ways with him..So is he staying or going?


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