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IAA Fan:
Looks like a nice pick-up and a great attitude.

I watched this kid play a few times this year.  He is an athlete for sure and a leader.  His HS coach resigned a week before camp opened and he helped rally his team around a new last minute coach and to a state championship season.  I am surprised that he hadn't yet signed and TBH, I am surprised that he didn't really have any big offers.  Long term, this could be a great player for us.  Nice get!

go guins:

--- Quote from: robmat2571 on May 12, 2018, 07:01:58 AM ---I watched this kid play a few times this year.  He is an athlete for sure and a leader.  His HS coach resigned a week before camp opened and he helped rally his team around a new last minute coach and to a state championship season.  I am surprised that he hadn't yet signed and TBH, I am surprised that he didn't really have any big offers.  Long term, this could be a great player for us.  Nice get!

--- End quote ---
Usually when a kid plays like Ricky, but doesn't get "big time" offers, he lacks size or speed or grades.  This kid, while listed at only 195 but he is 6'2" so he'll add some #'s at YSU so I don't see size as the issue, and speed looks fine.  I would be very unusual for the leader that you describe to have big grade issues.  Maybe we just got lucky! 


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