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FCS Playoffs

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As much as this year hurts with us not getting in and being better than probably at least half of those that did, (with Hunter Wells and Justin Reed playing), you almost have to give all the conferences 1 auto bid so they have something to shoot for during the season.  It is much like us in Basketball.  The Horizon entry in many cases is probably not better than some of the teams left out.  Our league is just too strong.  Not sure why the Dakotas and Northern Iowa are so strong, but they are and that is what is disturbing logical selections.  Are they funded better due to them being in states without so many 1A teams or is their recruiting so much easier?  Are they headed to 1A?  Not sure about that.  But it sure hurts us now; especially this year.

Central Conn would have been lucky to win one game in our league nuff said about a conference champ deserving an auto bid.

If making a top 16 ranking and playoff spot does not give you something to shoot for then you may as well be playing intramural. heck just give every team a participation trophy.

I have no doubt that other teams/conferences are tired of CAA and our league getting multiple bids. The PC answer is not to offend anyone and reward a team even if they do not deserve it. The correct answer is to reward teams that have proven, on the field, they are top 16 worthy. Any team that complains about not making the top 16 needs only to look in the mirror.

Certainly any team would want an "easy" first round game, but that should mean that if they make the top four they get to play one of the bottom four, of the best 16 teams. Not a team that should not be there.

Come up with a fair ranking formula, make the rules and standards clear and I have no doubt that the teams interested in playing for a national championship will take the needed steps (recruiting, schedule, etc) to make the top 16.

The high-school playoffs in OH are a great example, If you are in a weak conference and do not schedule some tough non league games, you can go 10-0 win your league and get to watch the play-offs on tv. You can play a tough schedule, go 5-5 and get to play for a state championship.

Guessing that several on this board would love this top 16 method as it would force teams ( maybe even YSU ) to schedule more selectively.

Selection needs to be blind and fair, 16 best teams plain and simple.


go guins:
Personally, I'm all in with the OVC.  Less travel and could be all-sports fostering more rivalries.
I look at the playoffs this way.  I look at this as a 16 team field.  The other spots are political and you can use them on whomever, for whatever reason.  If you don't EARN one of the top 16 spots, then you don't deserve to be in for football reasons and I don't want any damn political pass! 


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