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Pitt QB Transfer

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Like I said before, if Cunningham starts at QB next year, MVFC defenses will eat him alive. Herr is going to be the next LT. Rotheram or Wilson at RT.

IAA Fan:

--- Quote from: YSUFANSINCE1990 on November 28, 2017, 02:10:18 PM ---go guins you nailed it, average, mediocre, both work when it comes to Strollo.  He also has allowed Rick Love to lead a pathetic marketing department for more than a decade.   What creative do we do on game day?   Love is overpaid, underachiever, Strollo allows this to happen.

 Had Pelini not fallen into his lap, Strollo was determined to hire the head coach at E Ky, who got fired the next year there!

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First of all, Strollo would never have the "actual" authority to drop Love, that is a decision that would go up to JT. As mentioned many times over, there is much in the way of a "good old boy" network still at YSU. So instead of attacking Strollo, why not attack JT? Tress hired him back in 1995 or 96 & still keeps him. So place blame where it belongs

Secondly, we are far from unanimous that Pelini was even a good hire & we know nothing about what could have been in place of the hiring of coach Bo ...so why comment as if you know something that you clearly could not have known unless you have sort of simulation-clarivoiannt powers that you are not telling us about. As to an opinion on Hood; everyone has one and for all we know they were talking to him about being a DC. None-the-less he would have been a person worth a try as HC ... good wining record, especially in conference, where we have always been the weakest. As far as I can see, in the period he was HC (2008 thru 2015) he had the best OVC winning percentage. Very skilled coach with a defensive style that would be very complimentary to Montgomery's offense, great connections & very close to many in Youngstown, especially the Stoops family. Would any of this make him a good coach? We have no idea. None the less, stop assuming Hood would have been a bad hire, when clearly he had a far better resume than coach Wolf & would be a nice addition to the recruiting staff in the southeast and lower Midwest parts of the country, as he spent almost 10-years as the DC at Wake Forest.

go guins:

--- Quote from: IAA Fan on November 30, 2017, 02:47:29 PM ---
--- Quote from: YSUFANSINCE1990 on November 28, 2017, 02:10:18 PM ---go guins you nailed it, average, mediocre, both work when it comes to Strollo.  He also has allowed Rick Love to lead a pathetic marketing department for more than a decade.   What creative do we do on game day?   Love is overpaid, underachiever, Strollo allows this to happen.

 Had Pelini not fallen into his lap, Strollo was determined to hire the head coach at E Ky, who got fired the next year there!

--- End quote ---

First of all, Strollo would never have the "actual" authority to drop Love, that is a decision that would go up to JT. As mentioned many times over, there is much in the way of a "good old boy" network still at YSU. So instead of attacking Strollo, why not attack JT? Tress hired him back in 1995 or 96 & still keeps him. So place blame where it belongs

Secondly, we are far from unanimous that Pelini was even a good hire & we know nothing about what could have been in place of the hiring of coach Bo ...so why comment as if you know something that you clearly could not have known unless you have sort of simulation-clarivoiannt powers that you are not telling us about. As to an opinion on Hood; everyone has one and for all we know they were talking to him about being a DC. None-the-less he would have been a person worth a try as HC ... good wining record, especially in conference, where we have always been the weakest. As far as I can see, in the period he was HC (2008 thru 2015) he had the best OVC winning percentage. Very skilled coach with a defensive style that would be very complimentary to Montgomery's offense, great connections & very close to many in Youngstown, especially the Stoops family. Would any of this make him a good coach? We have no idea. No the less, stop summing this would have been a bad hire, when clearly he had a far better resume than coach Wolf & would be a nice addition to the recruiting staff in the southeast and lower Midwest parts of the country.

--- End quote ---
You have great prospective on the sports history at YSU and I find conversations with you usually enjoyable, but when it comes to Strollo and his legacy of losing.  Tressel hired Strollo as Athletic Business Manager.  I assume he was good at that level.  He did NOT promote him to AD, Sweet did.  Everything good in athletics is all Strollo, anything bad, like Love is JT's even if Strollo hired him?  I agree Bo isn't the perfect coach but he beats the sh** out of that idiot Wolford that Strollo has on his resume.  You are blind when it comes to Strollo and I'm out. 

Trust in Bo.

IAA Fan:
I said that Tress hired Love. Tress wanted Strollo as his successor at AD and Sweet agreed ... as did anyone in the know at the time. Tressel knew that he (and Malmisar) did nothing but push football (and rightly so as it was the heart of our revenue stream) & there were so many things lurking "on the horizon" that needed to be taken care of ... and Strollo has done just that. Did football suffer? in many ways yes it did; but without all the new women's sports program we would not have a football team right now. Then to have a new MBB rebuild forced on him about 3-5 years too soon does not help.

 I have no great love for Strollo, but to say he has a record of losing is not true. He is the AD, not the HC of every athletic team at YSU. Go ahead an say that you do not like the guy; but as with Monty, you have no performance reasons to do so. Both are exceptionally good at what they do. The AD has 3 duties in administering sports at any university:
1) Offer a quality product.
2) Offering a popular product
3) at a good price

Do any of you have any idea what is involved here? A winning team is not the only thing required to be a quality product. If YSU football was free, would the increase in attendance be worth it? NO. We would be non-scholarship and the quality would suffer greatly If we charge $48 per ticket for a football game would people go? I CERTAINLY WOULD NOT. Do you realize that every dollar that comes into the university (even through sports revenue) is scrutinized and claimed?  A popular product is not simply event attendance. It is having monies put into this event that will mean a possible reduction of monies for non-athletic purposes. Most university admin think nothing of sports and see them as nothing short of a necessary evil. They vote against every dime that the AD asks for.

Don't you think it is funny that some people say that Bo "fell into Strollo's lap", while in other posts give all the credit to JT? Makes no sense to me. Bo fell into the university's lap. Bo's agent called Tressel looking for work & JT (saying nothing) referred him to Strollo. It was a stand-up and professional thing for JT to do and Strollo simply did his job from there. There is really nothing else to it. It is the same thing with every other sport; when a coach is needed, the best candidate for the dollars is hired. As fans, we may wish to spend what ever it takes to get the top coach in the US, but that is simply not possible.

Only Bo's circumstances made him take a sub-$300k position and most of us can only guess as to what those circumstances are. It may interest many of you to know that Tressel became AD with the addition of a small stipend of less than $20k added to his annual salary. At the time he did not even make $100k as head-coach at YSU ...while other universities (at our level) where paying 50% to 100% more. It may further interest many of you to know that Narduzzi was rejected and ridiculed when he asked for a stadium. No one on the athletic board or academic council felt that a football team at YSU could generate enough revenue to afford more than the rent Falcon Stadium.

The moral of this story is to stop thinking that Strollo & Tressel do not know certain things and and are not doing the best that they can. Instead, as fans, we need to realize that they have to do best that they can given the resources available to them.


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