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The ESPN announcer also joked that this might be an NCAA record for most uncontested 3 point shots.  Not very flattering for us.

Like said before, this program is being rebuilt from the ground up after being stuck in mediocrity for years. They'll be fine. This year is a wash.

 Agree Chief, being built from ground up, not sure they will be fine.  Haven't been fine in decades.  Style is not as much an issue as talent.

go guins:

--- Quote from: ytownchief22 on November 18, 2017, 11:33:01 PM ---
--- Quote from: goodnews on November 18, 2017, 11:29:51 PM ---You said it Cincinnati and VCU....  this is YSU...

--- End quote ---

So it should be easier. Give it time, 3rd game of the season, my god...

--- End quote ---
Chief, you are 100% right.  Some of these guys would fire the coach after 3 games.  It is going to take at least a couple years to get such a style change implemented.  The style will work at any level.  ANY style works at any level.  It's a matter of execution.  Remember John McKay's quote when asked about his team's execution?  "I'm in favor of it."  I'll bet Jarrod has them same thought about now. 

I'm  100% behind coach and the program.  Probably got to excited with all the newness and will have to calm my expectations.  I'm still going to get nuts when I see guards on opposing teams simulating a lay up line during the game.


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