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Bobby Huggins and WVU coming to Covelli

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go guins:
Hey Chief, I told you the Strollo crowd would ship up!

"Everything from site selection to finished product is byproduct of Strollo efforts."
Seriously?  Nobody does a damn thing but Strollo?  You must be joking!
Coaching is a exclusive fraternity, and we should be celebrating having three members in JT, Bo and JC, not worrying about trying to protect the legacy of a never was AD.

This was 100% Calhoun getting this done,  period.  I also heard that Strollo was hesitant to sign the deal because the game was off campus.

go guins:

--- Quote from: YSUFANSINCE1990 on November 15, 2017, 03:32:04 PM ---This was 100% Calhoun getting this done,  period.  I also heard that Strollo was hesitant to sign the deal because the game was off campus.

--- End quote ---
Frankly I'm surprised he signed it at all.  Must have had JT holding the pen for him.  Remember, this is the guy who sent our National Championship Game tickets to James Madison!   Strollo, the poster boy for "You don't do anything, you won't do anything wrong."   

In basketball, mostly the coaches do a lot of the scheduling. Strollo had little impact.


If you listen to coach's comments, he does not want to play any D2 or D3 schools. This year they were rushing to get things done so that's why there's a couple this year. Refreshing to see this. Usually Slocum and especially Strollo love to play the cupcake games that bring 100 people to the arena.


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