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YSU vs Kent State

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Can't have 6-5 Robinson trying to guard a 7 footer. Calhoun has to make a change in the starting lineup. That will not work the rest of the year.

IAA Fan:
weare down well below 30% shooting in the second half. only 34.8% in the frist halk with a 3-9 free throw record. These guys need to make baskets. Kent is playing terribly and pulling away.

Those FT's... Yikes. Get em to the line in practice coach.


--- Quote from: IAA Fan on November 11, 2017, 11:06:38 PM ---weare down well below 30% shooting in the second half. only 34.8% in the frist halk with a 3-9 free throw record. These guys need to make baskets. Kent is playing terribly and pulling away.

--- End quote ---

Can't throw it into the ocean.

At least they show enthusiasm and there's some excitement. Complete 180 from Jerry's tenure.


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