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ISU In-Game Thread

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IAA Fan:

--- Quote from: YSUGO on November 05, 2017, 08:26:23 PM ---Indy St. defense was horrible they had given up 212 it’s the previous 4 games.  So explain to me how this makes Monty a genius.

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You are correct, it does not. However, that same thing is said for the QB play itself. Who knows what will result of a Davis vs. Mays, if they did not play against the same team? What Davis' performance does say about Montgomery is that he is detailed and well-prepared.

Look at the 5 or 6 times that ISU dlines or secondary adjusted. The result was they sacked Davis, just as ILS sacked Mays. Again I am not saying that Mays will be our future, I am saying he has earned his chance.

Here is my thought.  I think Ricky Davis is the most athletic of all our current QB's, running, throwing, size. Has not developed into a QB like Hunter who can read defenses and check down to secondary receivers, same with Nathan Mays. Is it coaching or lack of ability, I don't know.  One thing I see is that our play calling didn't help either Ricky or Nathan until this past week with quick short throws when they blitz etc to take the heat off the inexperienced QB's.  All teams now load the box on early downs against the run and blitz on obvious passing downs. Finally we had a bit of an answer to help; I understand against a weaker team.

On defense I think we are small and that has taken its toll on the linebackers and db's.  Much of the run game tackles are not by the d line and our smaller back end people have been beat up.  Now they are gun shy in my opinion.  I think we have put too much pressure on the smaller safetys and corners to stop larger running backs and it has taken its toll.  We need larger linebackers and safetys to handle this increased load with the d line not involved that much in stopping the run.

Sycamores have 52 freshman on that team.  Let's face it they are a JV team.

Driving back to Cleveland so I stopped at Quaker Steak and Lube on 46 to watch the game. Not one tv had the YSU game on.  They were nice enough to change a tv at the back bar so I could watch.  Interest is not there.  The Sycamores drew a crowd of maybe 1000 people for the game.  That is like Division 2.


--- Quote from: Kandrase on November 05, 2017, 09:18:14 PM ---
--- Quote from: guinpen on November 05, 2017, 07:39:12 PM ---Let's see our "running" qb passes for over 300 yards and we score over 60 points, another bad day for Monty I guess.

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Yeah and how many did he throw for last week? Come on guinpen, you know ISUb this year is not a a defense to measure any type of offensive success against

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I was making a point, I get tired of the Monty bashing all the time. If he can get hammered when we lose he should get kudos when we win. Pretty simple.


--- Quote from: guinpen on November 06, 2017, 07:58:31 PM ---
--- Quote from: Kandrase on November 05, 2017, 09:18:14 PM ---
--- Quote from: guinpen on November 05, 2017, 07:39:12 PM ---Let's see our "running" qb passes for over 300 yards and we score over 60 points, another bad day for Monty I guess.

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Yeah and how many did he throw for last week? Come on guinpen, you know ISUb this year is not a a defense to measure any type of offensive success against

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I was making a point, I get tired of the Monty bashing all the time. If he can get hammered when we lose he should get kudos when we win. Pretty simple.

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Not when you play a D2 football team.


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