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Illinois State

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--- Quote from: IAA Fan on October 30, 2017, 09:36:08 PM ---Yes but have we heard if Wells will apply for medical? I sent an email to find out if a player can still medical hardship with a red-shirt year after his freshman year and have yet to hear back from the NCAA clearing house. I will post the response. I believe that is fine if he was eligible to play all 4-years ...which he was, but Wells requested and was granted a transfer & red-shirt for the 2017 season. He revoked that when Montgomery asked him to take back the starting role. So I really have no idea.

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http://www.athletics.vt.edu/compliance/competition/seasons.html 1AAFan I believe you can't play in more then 2 games. The few snaps he took in Robert Morris and SDS probably ruined his chances for another of eligibility under medical hardship

Bo did his show last night and seemed to be in a good mood and was upbeat. He took full responsibility for not having the team ready. He sensed the team was flat before the game and said the focus, technique, and fundamentals of the players was just not there. Something you wouldn't expect going into the 8th week of the season when the team needed to win out. He did mention Mays is really beat up and more then likely Davis will get the nod for Indiana St.

Penguin Ice:

--- Quote from: FOOTBALLFEVER on October 31, 2017, 08:57:09 AM ---Bo did his show last night and seemed to be in a good mood and was upbeat. He took full responsibility for not having the team ready. He sensed the team was flat before the game and said the focus, technique, and fundamentals of the players was just not there. Something you wouldn't expect going into the 8th week of the season when the team needed to win out. He did mention Mays is really beat up and more then likely Davis will get the nod for Indiana St.

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There are changes that need to be made and that starts today at practice. It’s time to put guys out there that have been busting their asses in practice all year and deserve a chance. If nothing changes today I don’t expect much out of this team the rest of the year

Bo was asked in his weekly press conference today about Hunter’s eligibility to be medically redshirted he stated that they were going to start actively pursuing the idea. No timeline was given as to when we should know if he indeed will be redshirted or not.

go guins:

--- Quote from: 2000YSU on October 31, 2017, 03:46:34 PM ---Bo was asked in his weekly press conference today about Hunter’s eligibility to be medically redshirted he stated that they were going to start actively pursuing the idea. No timeline was given as to when we should know if he indeed will be redshirted or not.

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slight as it is, that's the first encouraging thing I've heard in while.  Let's hope!


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