YSU Penguin Athletics > YSU Penguin Athletics

Illinois State

<< < (15/22) > >>

This team mailed it in and so have I. Hello basketball season!

Double ET:
Watched YSU football since my Freshman year in 1966. This is the first game that I left in the 3rd quarter.
I could see the stadium lights from my office on campus during the evening practices this week.

 I now wonder what the hell were they doing in there.

We can now move on to basketball and hockey

)Other than last year, YSU is an average FCS team.  FCS is not what it was in the 90's with so many teams moving up.  It is disappointing.

man that was disappointing, no heart no spark. We got what we deserved today.

Stayed to the end and I doubt that there were 300 folks still in the stands.

Is there something going on with the team off the field?


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