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go guins:

--- Quote from: Double ET on November 02, 2017, 09:36:41 AM ---
--- Quote from: go guins on November 02, 2017, 09:11:56 AM ---
--- Quote from: FOOTBALLFEVER on November 01, 2017, 08:01:19 PM ---From what I'm hearing Wells is good for the medical redshirt. He has not exceeded the amount of games and total number of plays to this point. After the second injury in the fourth week leading to week five the diagnosis was made up to 6 weeks and that would put it at seasons end. As long as he did all his rehab and made all his doctor visits to try and get back he should be fine

--- End quote ---
That would be great for Hunter and YSU, but in the NCAA, you have, after the IOC & USOC, the third most dishonest sports orgainzion every created.  Nothing "is good" with the NCAA until they issue a ruling.

--- End quote ---
You got me there.  Sorry, FIFA is crooked, no doubt, but doesn't come quickly to my mind because I really don't care much for soccer, other than grandkids games.

Speaking of dishonest sports organization, IMO, this one tops them all....FIFA (international soccer governing body) ....... Qatar was selected to host the 2022 World Cup in July with average temperature over 100 degrees (with bribery to the selection committee). It is like Green Bay being selected for the Super Bowl game.

--- End quote ---

IAA Fan:
Well, the media keeps publishing all of the requests & not the facts, so I am pulling from ncaa.org. It is a copy paste so sorry about the format but I wanted the exact wording:

The injury or illness occurs prior to the
first competition of the second half of
the playing season that co
ncludes with the NCAA championship in that sport 
(see Bylaw and results in incapaci
ty to compete for the remainder of
that playing season; 

In team sports, the injury or illness
occurs when the student-athlete has not
participated in more than three contests
or dates of competition (whichever is
applicable to that sport) or 30 percen
t (whichever number is greater) of the
institution's scheduled or completed contests
 or dates of competition in his or her

A student-athlete who suffers an
injury in the first half of th
e season that concludes with the
NCAA championship or who suffers an injury subs
equent to the first day of classes in his or
her senior year of high school attempts to retu
rn to competition during th
e second half of that
season and then is unable to par
ticipate further as a result of aggravating the original injury
does not qualify for the hardship waiver.

So we have to worry about two things for Hunter:

1) Dates he played. If we are allowed to show incomplete games then we are okay and this has been done in the past.

2) If any participation came in the second half, was it  the same injury.

go guins:
Sounds to me like we have a pretty good chance of Hunter Wells taking snaps next season.  Anybody know his schooling status?  He isn't going to make money playing FB so if he is graduating, he may need to go find a job!

Penguin Ice:
If he played in 3 games. He will not be back. Been down this road before with the NCAA


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