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go guins:

--- Quote from: goodnews on October 23, 2017, 01:39:33 PM ---Need a QB transfer that can actually read defenses rather then this gimmick/predictable offense that leaves us 1 dimensional. The opponents defense dictates our game plans rather than our offense dictating the defense. They recruit the same type of quarterback and none seem to get better at managing the game and often regress as time goes on...

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it's very easy to type "need a QB transfer that can actually read defenses"  but  not so easy to do.  if the kid can actually read defenses and get the ball to the open guy, he probably has the job wherever he is now!  Brown at Pitt is the example.  They thought they had the answer and DID NOT.  I wouldn't have traded the USC grad student for Wells, maybe not even Mays.   If the kid in Columbus could "actually read defenses" he'd be a solid NFL prospect, but he can't.  Same for Dolphins Cutler, or Chiefs Smith or that Cowboys bum Romo for all 10 years he showed potential.  They say hitting a baseball as the hardest single thing is sports, it isn't.  The single hardest thing is sports is for a QB to read the defense.  The worst MLB player gets a hit 1 in 5 times while the best is 1-3, but there are only about 10-20 QBs in the world that can consistantly read a D in live action. 
That's why you have a game plan and coaches calling plays.  Talking transfer is easy, but rarely works.  Most need to be coached and developed.  Mays is about 20% the passer that Hunter is, but has a couple years to be coached and developed, and good-bad-indefferent, I'd bet our near future is in Nate's hands.   

Could Hunter be back next year?  Basically our season is over and if he only has played 6 quarters can they redshirt him?  He appears to be the best we have & SM loves him. 


--- Quote from: dwj on October 23, 2017, 02:28:45 PM ---Could Hunter be back next year?  Basically our season is over and if he only has played 6 quarters can they redshirt him?  He appears to be the best we have & SM loves him. 

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There are 4 rules regarding a medical redshirt one it must be suffered in season two must be a season ending injury third the injury must occur prior to the second half of the season fourth the injured player can not compete in thirty percent or three games of the season (whichever is greater). So as to if Hunter is eligible for a medical redshirt it depends on how they count the game time because he played the whole game at pitt less than half the game vs Robert Morris and about 5 minutes vs South Dakota State so how they determine his playing time will be the factor that determines his eligibility


--- Quote from: go guins on October 23, 2017, 01:31:10 PM ---
--- Quote from: ysuguins4 on October 23, 2017, 12:38:08 PM ---Poor performance by the Guins.  I really thought they would bounce back in a big way from the two tough losses, but instead they regressed, especially Mays.  Too bad Bo's crystal ball didn't tell him before the spring that Wells would only see action in six quarters through seven games.  He would have left Ricky at QB, and be in a little better position.

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I'm not as sure as you on Davis.  We saw one really good half against WVU and that is really it.  Hard to say how good he would have been.  HE didn't think he was as good as Hunter or Mays or he wouldn't have asked to go to WR.   Nobody, at any level is good with the 3rd string guy at QB.   Too bad, this team could have done something in the playoffs again with reasonable health.

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You might be surprised. D3s Mount Union went to the National semi-finals with their 3rd string qb last year. To be fair this was a let down for them since it was the first time they failed to make the finals in 11 years. Come to think of it maybe we can get one of Mount Unions back ups to transfer :)

It does not seem we make any adjustments during the game.  It it did not work in the first half it certainly is not going to work in the second half.  Do something different.


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