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Penguin Playbook/Pelini

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If he gets us back to Frisco he can miss every press conference the rest of the year for all I’m concerned.


--- Quote from: Wick250 on October 10, 2017, 03:22:53 PM ---Pelini has been exactly where he should be on several Monday evenings: at his daughter's volleyball games.  They should tape the show at a time convenient to everybody.  We don't need props like a live audience; we need information.

--- End quote ---


IAA Fan:
guys this is a crazy argument. It is his job. Why say anything else? There are no passes. My dad missed most everything in my life, just as every father of my friends. If Bo did not show up for games or practices, would you say something? Yes because that is his job .... so are his media appearances. They are absolutely the same thing.

Change the day, that is fine with me ...just let me know well in advance so I can adjust my schedule. If her VB team advances and has special games, make some arrangements. I expect to see and hear from Bo and BOTH coordinators every week. You can alternate the other coaches. Players should alternate, but make sure that we all get to hear and see the seniors. I think all of the seniors (that do not have school conflicts) should be at every show. If Bo needs to record his Q&A once or twice a season ...so what? In short, make the show something bigger and you won't miss someone who does not appear.

 1AA is right.  Bo can't have it both ways.  He has expressed his unhappiness with lack of big crowds and fan support, but he does nothing to help this or market his program.  Whether fans come in person or listen on the radio they are not interested in hearing from a tight ends coach, they want the head coach, period.

The YO Show:
I'm sure a compromise could be worked out. That said, I do like tight ends Coach Joe Ganz. He's a good coach.


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