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South Dakota State

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go guins:

--- Quote from: ytownchief22 on October 02, 2017, 11:07:33 AM ---The game is over. Enough.

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I don't get you guys.  If I see something that doesn't interest me, I don't read it and don't comment on it.
Check the top of the thread, this thread is labeled "South Dakota State".  Game is over, yes, but thread is over when guys don't comment any more.  There is a thread started called "South Dakota" for those that don't want to review the SDSU game.  Question has come up repeated over the years about our players being smaller.  Simply isn't true and I did the research to substantiate my claim.  Read it, don't read it, I couldn't care less, but I don't get your objection to posting.


--- Quote from: ytownchief22 on October 02, 2017, 11:07:33 AM ---The game is over. Enough.

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I assume this is tongue-in-cheek.


--- Quote from: go guins on October 02, 2017, 09:40:57 AM ---
--- Quote from: penguinpower on October 02, 2017, 06:18:25 AM ---
--- Quote from: DavedS on October 01, 2017, 05:45:52 PM ---SDSU  definitely has a lot of talent  on offense with no doubt a few good NFL prospects---however if their offense was all that strong it would've stayed on the field a lot longer than 14 minutes in a 60 minute game--had we been able to put pressure on their qb they might've been on the field for closer to 4 minutes. 8)

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Thay team was a little snake bit.  If we played them 10 times They might beat us 4 or 5 of them.  The fact that we possessed the ball for such long periods really had an effect in their ability to get into any sort of rhythm.  They are a pass first team and use it to set up the run.  When they weren't able to get thay going they were doomed and we never let them get their machine untracked.  They will be around and in the playoffs.  we out physicaled them (if that is a word) and it prevented them from ever settling in.  It also disrupted the timing on some ofntheir routes.  Brilliant game plan by the coaching staff.  They used a carbon copy of what NDSU did to them in the playoffs last year.  same type of game where not NDSU and YSU had forced a safety as well.  the only difference was NDSU held the ball for 40 min and we held it for 45 min.

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Honestly I've read several of the post-game comments here and had to stop and see if I was on a SDSU blog or a YSU blog!?!?!  We pounded them between the tackles for 4 quarters and they never were able to consistently stop the inside running.  They were never able to consistently run the ball nor take 5-7 step drops and throw the passes they normally throw.  These superior O & D line advantages that carry over game to game.   This was not a bad team.  If they were bad, some 4-5 of those 8-10 yard runs would have been 50 yard TD’s.  But we clearly beat them physically on both sides of the ball all night.  TOP is often a very misleading stat, but 45-15 is DAMN impressive.  IMO we play them 10 times we win at least 8 or 9.  Good grief guys, we have a QB that can’t throw the ball 10 yards downfield and they have the box packed and we still get 5 yards per carry.

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I went on the SDSU blog and they praised the YSU team big-time--most claimed it was a beatdown and that YSU manhandled them and several even called it an a$$-whuppin--if u want to read a lot of positive things about YSU in this game just go 2 their blog--the other day it was 28pages of basically praising YSU  which I was kind of surprised they did.


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