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South Dakota State

<< < (11/14) > >>

This was a night that the announced attendance was the real attendance.  :D

Sure our young skill players made some mistakes near the goal line, but I thought that Mays and McCaster were excellent overall.  How many scrambles on third and long did Mays execute to keep drives going?  How much yardage did McCaster gain after first contact? 

In order to contain SDSU, I assumed that we had to get pressure on their talented qb.  We could not touch him all night, a tribute to their o-line.  A real tribute to our linebackers and d-backs for somehow managing two probable NFL talents under those trying circumstances.  I wonder how many yards SDSU gained after the first quarter?  After their only touchdown, how many possessions did SDSU have without scoring?  Great job, guys.

Great win.  Wasn't expecting this.  Very pleased.  left too many points out there.  QB needs to run less so he doesn't get hurt. 

I've never seen the TOP so lopsided in my life.  We pushed them around

Mays running ability is what makes him good. He's not a pocket passer who's gonna sling it down field. He makes plays with his feet and needs to continue to do so. Wells just cannot stay healthy. My god one hit on the shoulder and he was done again.

I'm actually suprised Wells is playing with a shoulder separation.  Depending on the degree or grade of separation,those injuries can linger.   I have one right now(long story) and could not imagine how he's playing.

Mays played a nice game last night but the Oline opened holes that kept the clock going.  Not sure we'll be able to run it like that moving forward if the passing game isn't clicking.   I think Mays can make the plays with his arm going forward which will open the ground game up more.

They played like the teams of the 90's.  Run first. pass if you need to.


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