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go guins:

--- Quote from: guinpen on September 14, 2017, 06:01:19 PM ---How about we assume it is 0-0 for now

--- End quote ---
assume?  I thought is was actually 0-0 now? 

I get a kick out of fans talking about "staying in the moment,"  "focus on one play at a time, one game at a time," etc.  We are fans, we sit in the stands, and it doesn't make a bit of difference in what we think, say, or speculate about.  That only matters for the players and their coaches.  Tito and the Indians need to focus on tonight's game, but I can say, "We get this one then Carrasco and Kluber will get us to 25 straight!"   I can look ahead, it doesn't mean squat.

We should crush this high school team

Rise and shine folks it's game day!!

Did what we needed to do. Rest up and get ready for a big showdown in 2 weeks !

Your right chief tough slate ahead !! Score of interest in the valley South Dakota over #10 North Dakota today 45-7..and N.D. wanted to join the conference good luck with that☺


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